Happy summer from Farmers Supply! On the third page of this month’s newsletter, please see about fall planting for your vegetable garden! We are working on lining-up some seminars that we’re excited about, so be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram (@farmers_supply_company) to be kept in the loop! On Saturday Sept 7, the owners of Organic Underworld in Currie will be here to share about the benefits of adding worm castings to your plant soil. Now, for this month’s lawn care guides:
TURF TALK We are having a lot of chinch bug activity in area lawns creating yellow or dry-looking patches. To check for chinch bugs, push a coffee can (with both top and bottom removed) into the ground and fill it with water. Any chinch bugs present will float, come see us for Bifenthrin insecticide which comes in both granular (Talstar, Hi-Yield Bug Blaster) and liquid (Bifen). Bermuda— Measure your lawn’s square footage. You can continue to fertilize every four to six weeks with 16-4-8 from Farmers Supply at 10 pounds per 1,000 square feet. When Bermuda is growing, the lawn needs 1 to 2 inches of water each week. A bluish-gray appearance or wilted, folded, or curled leaves may indicate that it is time to water. Due to the heat and drought, we only recommend spot-treating for weeds late in the day with a Post-Emergent herbicide — or Fertilome makes a selective granular we carry that can be broadcast across the lawn. You can still put out Hi-Yield Dimension to control emergence of summer weeds. If thatch is thicker than 1⁄2 inch, remove it using a vertical mower—thatch can be removed monthly if the lawn has sufficient time to recover. Check for white grubs, mole crickets, armyworms, sod webworms, and control with an appropriate insecticide from Farmers Supply. Carpetgrass— Measure your lawn’s square footage. Make sure your grass gets 1 to 2 inches of water each week. Mow grass to 11⁄2 inches with a rotary mower every 10 to 14 days. Unless your soil sample suggests otherwise, do not make a broadcast application of herbicide. It was recommended that in June you fertilize Carpetgrass with 5-10-10 from Farmers Supply, and a second application in mid-August may enhance lawns here at the coast. Manage weeds by hand pulling and mowing. Check for white grubs, mole crickets, armyworms, sod webworms, and control with an appropriate insecticide from Farmers Supply. If brown patch disease shows up (circular patches of brown grass up to several feet in diameter), come see us to remedy. Centipede— Measure your lawn’s square footage. Your lawn needs 1-2 inches of water every week. If grass has a yellow appearance, spray iron (ferrous) sulfate (2 ounces in water per 1,000 square feet) or a chelated iron source as needed. It was recommended in June that Centipede lawns be treated with a high potassium fertilizer from Farmers Supply, such as 5-0-15. At the coast, a second fertilization in August is recommended. Due to the heat and drought, we only recommend spot-treating for weeds late in the day with a Post-Emergent herbicide — or Fertilome makes a selective granular we carry that can be broadcast across the lawn. You can still put out Hi-Yield Dimension to control emergence of summer weeds. Yellow appearance may indicate an iron deficiency. Control any white grubs, mole crickets, armyworms, or sod webworms with an appropriate insecticide from Farmers Supply. St Augustine— Measure your lawn’s square footage. This month, you should apply two to three pounds of a 3-1-2 or 4-1-2 ratio fertilizer (like 16-4-8) per thousand square feet from Farmers Supply. Spray iron sulfate or a chelated iron source to enhance color as needed. Actively growing St. Augustine requires about 1 inch of water per week, all at once if possible. Sandy soils often require more frequent watering (1⁄2 inch every third day). Control broadleaf weeds as necessary with Post-Emergent herbicide following label directions and with caution. Control any white grubs with an appropriate insecticide from Farmers Supply. Check for gray leaf spot and brown (large) patch disease. Zoysia— Measure your yard’s square footage. In mid-August apply a 3-1-2 or 4-1-2 ratio fertilizer (like 16-4-8), the yard should get 10 pounds per thousand square feet . Zoysia needs 1 to 11⁄4 inches of water a week. Due to the heat and drought, we only recommend spot-treating for weeds late in the day with a Post-Emergent herbicide — or Fertilome makes a selective granular we carry that can be broadcast across the lawn. You can still put out Hi-Yield Dimension to control emergence of summer weeds. Crabgrass species, goosegrass, dallisgrass, purple and yellow nutsedge, annual sedges, and sandbur can be controlled with a Post-Emergent herbicide from Farmers Supply. Zoysia is sensitive to these compounds, so please follow the directions of our staff carefully when they help you in the store. GARDEN CORNER Now is the time to start planning your fall vegetable garden! Collard seedlings have just arrived, and we will be getting the following plants and seedlings in over the coming weeks: Arugula Beets Broccoli Brussel Sprouts Cabbage Carrots Garlic – arriving mid September Kale Lettuce Mustard Greens Onions – arriving mid September Radishes Spinach Swiss Chard Turnips Having trouble with deer getting into your garden to snack? Adding some Milorganite will help keep animals away while giving additional nutrients to the soil. Come see us and let Farmers Supply Co help you grow your own!