<![CDATA[Farmers Supply Co. - Turf Talk]]>Thu, 30 May 2024 00:51:26 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[October newsletter]]>Thu, 30 Sep 2021 15:35:48 GMThttp://farmerssupplyco.com/turf-talk/october-newsletterOCTOBER 2021 NEWSLETTER

NC State Cooperative Extension is providing free soil testing through the end of November - if you haven’t had a soil test in the past 3 years then we really recommend it. If you go to our homepage www.farmerssupplyco.com and scroll to the bottom, you’ll find the form and instructions on collecting and sending-off your soil sample. Results right now are taking about 14 days.

We have a nice selection of Council Tool axes back stock! They make great gifts!

More fall veggies, herbs, & decorative plants are arriving at the store each week, and we have received our pumpkins and gourds from the NC mountains!

Now’s the time for Dimension Pre-emergent and Weed-Free Zone Post-emergent weed controls. We look forward to seeing you!

Army and Sod Webworms are bad here right now, come see us if you need to remedy.


Bermuda— Measure your lawn’s square footage. To minimize spring dead spot, apply a low nitrogen, high potassium fertilizer like 5-10-30 or 8-0-24 at 10 pounds per thousand square feet (if you already did this in September, you’re squared away). Check for and control any white grubs with GrubsAway granular insecticide – fall is the best time for grub control. Apply Hi-Yield Dimension pre-emergent herbicide to prevent winter annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, and once daily highs drop below 85 apply Fertilome Weed-Free Zone post-emergent herbicide to control any weeds already present. If spring dead spot was a problem, apply a fungicide like Propiconizole. As temperatures fall, watering can be reduced but do not let the soil get powder dry.

Carpetgrass— Continue to water as needed to avoid wilt until your lawn begins to turn brown (the onset of dormancy). Although a dormant lawn requires less water, make sure the soil doesn’t get powder dry. Sandy, well-drained soils are most susceptible to drought. Use insecticide if necessary. Manage weeds by hand pulling and mowing. If brown patch disease shows up (circular patches of brown grass up to several feet in diameter), come see us to remedy.

Centipede— Measure your lawn’s square footage. If you didn’t already in September, per 1,000 square feet you should fertilize with 1.6 pounds of 0-0-60 or 3 pounds of 0-0-22. DO NOT lime unless a soil test recommends it. Make sure the lawn gets at least 1” of water per week until the lawn browns (becomes dormant), then water as-needed to keep soil from be-coming powder dry. Continue mowing your lawn to 1 inch before it gets taller than 11⁄2 inches. Check for and control any white grubs with GrubsAway granular insecticide – fall is the best time for grub control. Apply Hi-Yield Dimension pre-emergent herbicide to prevent winter annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, and once daily highs drop below 85 apply Fertilome Weed-Free Zone post-emergent herbicide to control any weeds already present.

St Augustine— DO NOT fertilize St. Augustine after August 31. Water to prevent drought stress while the grass is actively growing and after the lawn goes dormant to prevent exces-sive dehydration. Check for and control any white grubs with GrubsAway granular insecti-cide – fall is the best time for grub control. Apply Hi-Yield Dimension pre-emergent herbicide to prevent winter annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, and once daily highs drop below 85 apply Fertilome Weed-Free Zone post-emergent herbicide to control any weeds already pre-sent. Check for brown (large) patch disease and come see us to remedy.

Zoysia— Measure your yard’s square footage. If you didn’t already in September, per 1,000 square feet you should apply 1.6 pounds of 0-0-60 or 5 pounds of 0-0-22 fertilizer. Continue to mow the grass before it grows taller than 11⁄2 to 21⁄2 inches. Leave nutrient-rich grass clip-pings on the lawn unless they are unsightly or in clumps. You won’t have to water much once the lawn turns dormant, but do water if needed to keep the soil from completely drying. Apply Hi-Yield Dimension pre-emergent herbicide to prevent winter annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, and once daily highs drop below 85 apply Fertilome Weed-Free Zone post-emergent herbicide to control any weeds already present. Check for and control any white grubs with GrubsAway granular insecticide – fall is the best time for grub control. If brown (large) patch disease is a chronic problem, come see us for fungicide to remedy.

Need hay for decoration? Give us a call at (910) 763-4664 Our wheatstraw bales are just $5.50!

Cooler weather is right around the corner. Come see us for local seasoned oak firewood. Need a lot and don’t have a truck or trailer? Farmers Supply will deliver!
<![CDATA[June 2021 newsletter]]>Fri, 18 Jun 2021 12:58:45 GMThttp://farmerssupplyco.com/turf-talk/june-2021-newsletterSummer is almost officially here, and there’s still tons of planting to be done! Natalya and Sharon have the Garden Center stocked with vegetables, tomatoes, flowers, herbs, shrubs, & bushes. Never planted a garden before? Our expert team can set you up for success!

We are back to our normal hours of 8 AM to 5:30 PM Monday thru Friday, 8 AM to 4 PM Saturdays, and Closed Sundays. Thank you for making Spring Sundays a success, we look forward to doing it again next year from mid-March through early May.

Remember, fertilizers are labeled according to content of Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash (Potassium)… so for example 15-0-15 would be high Nitrogen, zero Phosphorous, and high Potassium.

Conifers and evergreens can be sprayed now for bagworms with Caterpillar Killer or Bonide’s Systemic Insecticide.

Pay close attention to the temperature instructions on any weed killers.


Bermuda— Measure your lawn’s square footage. Fertilize with 33-0-0 at 3 pounds per 1,000 square feet every 4-6 weeks through August. When Bermuda is growing, the lawn needs 1 to 2 inches of water each week. Apply Fertilome Dollar Weed control as needed. If thatch is thicker than 1⁄2 inch, remove it using a vertical mower—thatch can be removed monthly if the lawn has sufficient time to recover. Check for white grubs, mole crickets, armyworms, sod webworms, and control with our GrubsAway, Talstar, or Bug Blaster. If brown patch disease shows-up, come see us for Heritage or Cleary’s to treat it.

Carpetgrass— Measure your lawn’s square footage. Make sure your lawn gets 1 to 2 inches of water each week. Mow grass to 11⁄2 inches with a rotary mower every 10 to 14 days. Unless your soil sample suggests otherwise, do not make a broadcast application of herbicide. Fertilize Carpetgrass with our 5-10-10 at a rate of 5-10 pounds per 1,000 square feet. Manage weeds by hand pulling and mowing. Check for white grubs, mole crickets, armyworms, sod webworms, and control with our GrubsAway, Talstar, or Bug Blaster. If brown patch disease shows-up, come see us for Heritage or Cleary’s to treat it.

Centipede— Measure your lawn’s square footage. Your lawn needs 1-2 inches of water every week. If grass has a yellow appearance, spray iron (ferrous) sul-fate (2 ounces per 1,000 square feet) or a chelated iron source as needed. Apply a high potassium fertilizer such as 5-0-15 at the rate of 10 pounds per thousand square feet. At the coast, a second fertilization in August is recommended. Yel-low appearance may indicate an iron deficiency. Check for white grubs, mole crickets, armyworms, sod webworms, and control with our GrubsAway, Talstar, or Bug Blaster. If brown patch disease shows-up, come see us for Heritage or Cleary’s to treat it.

St Augustine— Measure your lawn’s square footage. If you didn’t in May, apply our 16-4-8 fertilizer at 10 pounds per thousand square feet. Spray iron sulfate or a chelated iron source to enhance color as needed. Actively growing St. Augus-tine requires about 1 inch of water per week, all at once if possible. Sandy soils often require more frequent watering (1⁄2 inch every third day). Apply Fertilome Dollar Weed control as needed. Check for white grubs, mole crickets, armyworms, sod webworms, and control with our GrubsAway, Talstar, or Bug Blaster. If brown patch disease shows-up, come see us for Heritage or Cleary’s to treat it.

Zoysia— Measure your yard’s square footage. Apply our 16-4-8 fertilizer at a rate of 10 pounds per thousand square feet and repeat in mid-August. Zoysia needs 1 to 11⁄4 inches of water a week. Apply Fertilome Dollar Weed control as needed. Check for white grubs, mole crickets, armyworms, sod webworms, and control with our GrubsAway, Talstar, or Bug Blaster. If brown patch disease shows-up, come see us for Heritage or Cleary’s to treat it.
<![CDATA[February 2021 newsletter]]>Tue, 02 Feb 2021 19:08:18 GMThttp://farmerssupplyco.com/turf-talk/february-2021-newsletterFEBRUARY 2021 NEWSLETTER
Spring is coming! We will have Spring Sunday hours again, open 12 to 4 from Sunday March 14 to Sunday May 2 (closed Easter Sunday April 4)!
Baby chicks are here on Fridays from February 26 to March 26. Their arrival schedule is on the last page of this month’s newsletter.
Seed potatoes and onion bulbs have arrived, and next week we’ll get in our first shipment of fruit trees, vegetable plants, and herbs! In the Garden Corner section, we’ve included the pH ranges for area grasses and how to adjust them..
Bermuda— Mow when the lawn first turns green, set mower at 3⁄4 to 1 inch. Be sure to mow before the bermudagrass gets taller than 2 inches. Leave grass clippings on the lawn; they decompose quickly and help fertilize. DO NOT fertilize at this time, we’ll get into that in April & May. Submit soil samples for analysis every 3 years to determine nutrient requirements, or come get one of our pH test kits. Based on the results of your soil test, apply lime or sulfur to adjust soil pH. Apply Hi-Yield Dimension pre-emergent herbicide to prevent winter annual and perennial broadleaf weeds—measure your yard’s square footage so you get the right amount.

Carpetgrass— Mow the lawn to 11⁄2 inches when it turns green in the spring. Do not let it grow taller than 21⁄4 inches. DO NOT fertilize at this time, we’ll get to that in June. Make sure your lawn gets 1 inch of water each week. Check for white grubs, mole crickets, armyworms, sod webworms, and nematodes. Manage weeds by hand pulling and mowing. Replant bare areas when average daytime temperatures are continually above 60°F using 2 pounds of seed per 1,000 square feet (mix the seed with Play-Sand for ease of broadcast spreading, we have the seed and sand at Farmers Supply). Rake seeds into the soil or cover the seeds lightly with soil. Keep the seedbed continually moist, but not soggy, with several light waterings daily for several weeks. Seeds should germinate in 7 to 10 days. Continue to water regularly for several weeks to keep seedlings from dying.
Centipede— Drop mower height to 1”. DO NOT fertilize at this time, we’ll address that in May/June, we’ll also tackle Post-Emergent herbicide then. When dogwoods are in full bloom, apply Hi-Yield Dimension pre-emergent herbicide or Atrazine to control crab-grass, goosegrass, and foxtail - measure your yard’s square footage so you get the right amount. Yellow appearance may indicate an iron deficiency. Spray iron (ferrous) sulfate (2 ounces in water per 1,000 square feet) or a chelated iron source as needed. Follow label directions. Grass will green up within 24 hours. Actively growing Centipede needs 1” of water each week. Submit soil samples for analysis every 3 years to determine nutrient requirements, or come get one of our pH test kits. If needed, apply lime or acidifier to adjust soil pH. Check for and control any white grubs.

St Augustine— Drop mower to 2.5”, leave clippings on the lawn. DO NOT fertilize at this time as we’ll get to that in the May newsletter, and we’ll also tackle Post-Emergent herbicide then. When dogwoods are in full bloom, apply Hi-Yield Dimension pre-emergent herbicide or Atrazine to control crab-grass, goosegrass, and foxtail - measure your yard’s square footage so you get the right amount. Submit soil samples for analysis every 3 years to determine nutrient requirements, or come get one of our pH test kits. If needed, apply lime or sulfur to adjust soil pH. Water occasionally during dry spells. If brown circular patches up to several feet in diameter appear, you may have brown (large) patch. Gray leaf spot also may be a problem. Come see us to control either with proper fungicides. Actively growing St. Aug requires about 1 inch of water per week, all at once, if possible. Sandy soils often require more frequent watering (1⁄2 inch every third day).  Control any white grubs. If drought symptoms or yellow spots occur in a sunny location, check for chinch bug activity. Push a coffee can (with both top and bottom removed) into the ground and fill it with water. Any chinch bugs will float.

Zoysia— It is not necessary to mow, but keep lawn free of debris to ensure proper green-up in the spring. DO NOT fertilize at this time, keep an eye out for March/April/May newsletters. Submit soil samples for analysis every 3 years to determine nutrient requirements, or come get one of our pH test kits. Based on the results of your soil test, apply lime or sulfur to adjust soil pH. Apply Hi-Yield Dimension pre-emergent herbicide or Atrazine to prevent winter annual and perennial broadleaf weeds—measure your yard’s square footage so you get the right amount. Water occasionally during dry spells. If brown (large) patch disease is a chronic problem, come see us for fungicide to remedy.

We are accepting advanced orders on baby chicks! Call or come by! $6 each, available for pick-up on the dates below:Feb 26: Olive Eggers, Easter Eggers, Cuckoo MaransMarch 5: Barred Plymouth Rocks, White Leghorns, Blue RocksMarch 12: Rhode Island Reds, RI Blues, Golden CometsMarch 19: Olive Eggers, Easter Eggers, Cuckoo MaransMarch 26: Rhode Island Reds, RI Blues, Golden Comets


Onion bulbs and seed potatoes are here!
Fruit trees, spring vegetables, and herbs start arriving the week of February 8th!
 Come see us and get your garden ready for planting!
Optimal pH ranges for area lawns (Acidic < 7.0 < Alkaline)
Bermuda, 5.8 – 6.8                       Fescue, 5.8 - 6.5
   Carpet, 5 - 5.5                              St. Augustine, 5 - 7
                Centipede, 5 - 6 (5.5 is ideal) Zoysia, 6 - 7
To LOWER pH by 1 point, apply 10# of Soil Acidifier per 1,000 square ft
To RAISE pH by 1 point, apply 40# of Pellet Lime per 1,000 square ft
<![CDATA[July 2020 newsletter]]>Tue, 07 Jul 2020 18:03:25 GMThttp://farmerssupplyco.com/turf-talk/july-2020-newsletterIf you would like to be added to our newsletter list, please send a note to info@farmerssupplyco.com and we'll get you on there!

Summer is here in full-swing! We still have beautiful vegetables, herbs, shrubs, flowers, and other plants available in the Garden Center!

As we’ve been doing since mid-March, we are continuing efforts to keep everyone safe during the COVID pandemic. It is too hot to keep the doors open now, so we have hand-sanitizer by the main entrance. We are regularly disinfecting surfaces, wearing masks, and in following the Governor’s order we are requiring all customers to wear a mask unless they have a condition that excludes them from the mandate. Thank you for cooperating.

We will be closed Saturday July 4th in observance of Independence Day.


Bermuda— Measure your lawn’s square footage. If you fertilized with 33-0-0 in June, then four to six weeks afterwards follow that up with 16-4-8 from Farmers Supply at 10 pounds per 1,000 square feet. When Bermuda is growing, the lawn needs 1 to 2 inches of water each week. A bluish-gray appearance or wilted, folded, or curled leaves may indicate that it is time to water. Due to the heat, we only recommend spot-treating for weeds late in the day with a Post-Emergent herbicide — or Fertilome makes a selective granular we carry that can be broadcast across the lawn. You can still put out Hi-Yield Dimension to control summer weeds. If thatch is thicker than 1⁄2 inch, remove it using a vertical mower—thatch can be removed monthly if the lawn has sufficient time to recover.  Check for white grubs, mole crickets, armyworms, sod webworms, and control with Talstar, Grubs-Away, or Zenith insecticide from Farmers Supply.

Carpetgrass— Carpetgrass needs 1 to 2 inches of water each week. Mow grass to 11⁄2 inches with a rotary mower every 10 to 14 days. Unless your soil sample suggests otherwise, do not make a broadcast application of herbicide. It was recommended that in June you fertilize Carpetgrass with 5-10-10 and a second application in mid-August may enhance lawns here at the coast. Manage weeds by hand pulling and mowing. Check for white grubs, mole crickets, armyworms, sod webworms, and control with Talstar, Grubs-Away, or Zenith insecticide from Farmers Supply. If brown patch disease shows up (circular patches of brown grass up to several feet in diameter), come see us to remedy.
Centipede— Centipede needs 1-2 inches of water every week. If grass has a yellow appearance, spray iron (ferrous) sulfate (2 ounces in water per 1,000 square feet) or a chelated iron source as needed. It was recommended in June that Centipede lawns be treated with a high potassium fertilizer from Farmers Supply, such as 5-0-15 at 10 pounds per thousand square feet. Here at the coast, a second fertilization in August is recommended. Due to the heat, we only recommend spot-treating for weeds late in the day with a Post-Emergent herbicide — or Fertilome makes a selective granular we carry that can be broadcast across the lawn. You can still put out Hi-Yield Dimension to control summer weeds. Yellow appearance may indicate an iron deficiency. Control any white grubs, mole crickets, armyworms, or sod webworms with an appropriate insecticide from Farmers Supply

St Augustine— Measure your lawn’s square footage. This month, you should apply two to three pounds of 33-0-0 per thousand square feet, and next month apply a 3-1-2 or 4-1-2 ratio fertilizer (like 16-4-8) from Farmers Supply. Spray iron sulfate or a chelated iron source to enhance color as needed. Actively growing St. Augustine requires about 1 inch of water per week, all at once if possible. Sandy soils often require more frequent watering (1⁄2 inch every third day). Control broadleaf weeds as necessary with Post-Emergent herbicide following label directions and with caution. Control any white grubs with Talstar, Grubs-Away, or Zenith insecticide from Farmers Supply. If drought symptoms or yellow spots occur in a sunny location, check for chinch bug activity. Push a coffee can (with both top and bottom removed) into the ground and fill it with water. Any chinch bugs present will float, come see us for Bifenthrin which comes in both granular and liquid. Check for gray leaf spot and brown (large) patch disease.

Zoysia— Measure your yard’s square footage. If you didn’t already this summer, in early July apply a 3-1-2 or 4-1-2 ratio fertilizer (like 16-4-8) and repeat in mid-August. Zoysia needs 1 to 11⁄4 inches of water a week. Due to the heat, we only recommend spot-treating for weeds late in the day with a Post-Emergent herbicide — or Fertilome makes a selective granular we carry that can be broadcast across the lawn. You can still put out Hi-Yield Dimension to control summer weeds. Crabgrass species, goosegrass, dallisgrass, purple and yellow nutsedge, annual sedges, and sandbur can be controlled with a Post-Emergent herbicide from Farmers Supply. Zoysia is sensitive to these compounds, so please follow the directions of our staff carefully when they help you in the store.
Pro Tip: While mole-traps are great, getting rid of their food-source with Talstar, Grubs-Away, or Zenith insecticide will keep moles gone for good.
<![CDATA[March 2020 newsletter]]>Mon, 09 Mar 2020 13:56:41 GMThttp://farmerssupplyco.com/turf-talk/march-2020-newsletterWe are now in our extended Spring hours!
Open Sundays from 12-4 (closed Easter) and Saturdays 8-5:30!
If you haven’t had a soil analysis done from Cooperative Extension in the past 3 years, we recommend doing so. The form & collection instructions are attached with this month’s newsletter. Place the soil to be sampled in a bag and take it to your local Extension office (at the Arboretum in New Hanover County). When you receive your results in 2 weeks, come to the shop for analysis.
Baby chicks are here again spring Fridays, and we have everything you need to take care of them!
Fruit trees, Vegetable plants, and Herbs have begun to arrive. You’ll find the scoop on that in the Garden Corner section on Page 3.
Now for the care of our area grasses…
Bermuda— Mow when the lawn first turns green, set mower at 1 inch. Be sure to mow before the bermudagrass gets taller than 2 inches. Leave clippings on the lawn; they decompose quickly and help feed the grass. DO NOT apply fertilizer at this time, we’ll get into that in April & May. Apply a Pre-Emergent like Hi-Yield Dimension this month —measure your yard’s square footage so you get the right amount. Submit soil samples for analysis every 3 years to determine nutrient requirements, or come get one of our pH test kits. Based on the results of your soil test, apply lime or sulfur to adjust soil pH.

Carpetgrass— Mow the lawn to 11⁄2 inches when it turns green in the spring. Do not let it grow taller than 21⁄4 inches. DO NOT fertilize at this time, we’ll get to that in June. Make sure your lawn gets 1 inch of water each week. Check for white grubs, mole crickets, armyworms, sod webworms, and nematodes.

Centipede— Drop mower height to 1”. DO NOT fertilize at this time, we’ll address that and Post-Emergent herbicide in May/June. When dogwoods are in full bloom, apply Pre-Emergent herbicide like Hi-Yield Dimension— measure your yard’s square footage so you get the right amount. Yellow appearance may indicate an iron deficiency. Spray iron sulfate (2 ounces in water per 1,000 square feet) or a chelated iron source. Grass will green up within 24 hours. Actively growing Centipede needs 1” of water each week. Submit soil samples for analysis every 3 years to determine nutrient requirements, or come get one of our pH test kits. Based on the results of your soil test, apply lime or acidifier to adjust soil pH. Check for and control any white grubs

St Augustine— Drop mower to 2.5”, leave clippings on the lawn. DO NOT fertilize at this time as we’ll get to that in May newsletter, and we’ll also tackle Post-Emergent herbicide then. When dogwoods are in full bloom, apply Pre-Emergent herbicide like Hi-Yield Dimension — measure your yard’s square footage so you get the right amount. Submit soil samples to for analysis every 3 years to determine nutrient requirements, or come get one of our pH test kits. Based on the results of your soil test, apply lime or sulfur to adjust soil pH. Water occasionally during dry spells. If circular patches of brown grass appear, you may have brown patch. Gray leaf spot also may be a problem. Come see us to control either with proper fungicides. Actively growing St. Augustine requires about 1” of water per week, all at once if possible (and a 1⁄2’’ every third day in our area). Control any white grubs. If drought symptoms or yellow spots occur in a sunny location, check for chinch bug activity. Push a coffee can (with both top and bottom removed) into the ground and fill it with water. Any chinch bugs present will float.

Zoysia— Set mower to 1.5” and cut your lawn when it first turns green. 3 weeks after green-up, fertilize with 16-4-8 at 10 pounds per 1,000 square feet of lawn. Apply a Pre-Emergent herbicide like Hi-Yield Dimension this month. Submit soil samples for analysis every 3 years to determine nutrient requirements, or come get one of our pH test kits. Based on the results of your soil test, apply lime or sulfur to adjust soil pH. Check for and control any white grubs. Zoysia needs 1-1.5” of water per week.

GARDEN CORNERVegetable plants in stock NOW: Cabbages, Onions, Spinach, Lettuces, Sorrel, Cauliflower, Kale, Broccoli, with more varieties arriving each week!

Fruit trees in stock NOW: Apple, Pear, Fig, Peach, Plum, Pecan, Blueberries, Grapes, Persimmon, Cherry, & Blackberries

Shrubs have arrived! Azaleas, Camellias, Boxwoods, Gardenias, and Hibiscus to name a few! Also Herbs: Rosemary, Cilantro, Parsley, Mint, and Oregano!

Want to grow veggies from seed? We’ve got tons in stock, see attached Planting Guide for depth, spacing, timing, and more!


<![CDATA[February 2020 newsletter]]>Thu, 06 Feb 2020 20:34:28 GMThttp://farmerssupplyco.com/turf-talk/february-2020-newsletterFEBRUARY 2020 NEWSLETTER
Z-Grills pellet smokers—only 2 left, marked down 20%!
Bogs and Sloggers boots are 10% off, keep your feet warm and dry!
Birdfeeders are 10% off, Tulip bulbs 25% off!
PECAN TREES — if you haven’t fertilized your Pecan trees, now is the time. Come see us for our 8-8-8 Pecan Special fertilizer.
Due to popular demand we are finally adding Spring Sunday hours! More to come, but starting March 15th we will be open on Sunday afternoons for the Spring growing season (closed for Easter on April 12)!
Baby chicks will be here again spring Fridays starting February 28th, their arrival schedule is on the last page of this month’s newsletter.
 Now for the care of our area grasses…

Bermuda— Raise mower height to 2 inches to prevent winter-kill. Keep lawn free of debris to ensure proper green-up in the spring. DO NOT fertilize at this time, keep an eye out for March/April/May newsletters. Submit soil samples for analysis every 3 years to determine nutrient requirements, or come get one of our pH test kits. Based on the results of your soil test, apply lime or sulfur to adjust soil pH. Apply Hi-Yield Dimension pre-emergent herbicide or Atrazine from Farmers Supply to prevent winter annual and perennial broadleaf weeds—measure your yard’s square footage so you get the right amount.

Carpetgrass— Raise mower height to 2 inches. Although a dormant lawn requires less water, make sure the soil doesn’t get powder dry. Remove lawn debris to ensure proper green-up in the spring. Manage weeds by hand-pulling. If brown patch disease appears, come see us to remedy.

Centipede— Raise mower height to 1.5”. Keep lawn free of debris to ensure proper green-up in the spring. DO NOT fertilize at this time, we’ll address that in May/June. Submit soil samples for analysis every 3 years to determine nutrient requirements, or come get one of our pH test kits. Based on the results of your soil test, apply lime or sulfur to adjust soil pH. Apply Hi-Yield Dimension pre-emergent herbicide or Atrazine from Farmers Supply to prevent winter annual and perennial broadleaf weeds—measure your yard’s square footage so you get the right amount. Water occasionally during dry spells.

St Augustine— DO NOT fertilize at this time, keep an eye out for March/April/May newsletters. Keep lawn free of debris to ensure proper green-up in the spring. Submit soil samples for analysis every 3 years to determine nutrient requirements, or come get one of our pH test kits. Based on the results of your soil test, apply lime or sulfur to adjust soil pH. Apply Hi-Yield Dimension pre-emergent herbicide or Atrazine from Farmers Supply to prevent winter annual and perennial broadleaf weeds—measure your yard’s square footage so you get the right amount. Water occasionally during dry spells. Check for brown (large) patch disease and come see us to remedy.

Zoysia— It is not necessary to mow, but keep lawn free of debris to ensure proper green-up in the spring. DO NOT fertilize at this time, keep an eye out for March/April/May newsletters. Submit soil samples for analysis every 3 years to determine nutrient requirements, or come get one of our pH test kits. Based on the results of your soil test, apply lime or sulfur to adjust soil pH. Apply Hi-Yield Dimension pre-emergent herbicide or Atrazine from Farmers Supply to prevent winter annual and perennial broadleaf weeds—measure your yard’s square footage so you get the right amount. Water occasionally during dry spells. If brown (large) patch disease is a chronic problem, come see us for fungicide to remedy.
We are accepting advanced orders on baby chicks! Call or come by! We are getting 50 each of the following breeds with arrival date and price:Speckled Sussex (all hens) - Friday Feb 28 - $6.00
Light Brahms (all hens) - Friday March 6 - $6.00
Easter Eggers (all hens) - Friday March 13 - $6.00
Assorted Silkies (hens and roosters) and OliveEggers (all hens) - Friday March 20 - $6.00—$7.00
Rhode Island Reds & Blues (all hens) - Friday March 27 - $6.00
Golden Buffs & Cuckoo Marans (all hens) - Friday April 3 - $6.00
Olive Eggers & Rhode Island Blues (all hens) - Friday April 10 - SOLD OUT
Silver Laced Wyndotts (all hens) - Friday April 17 - $6.00
Assorted Polish (all hens) - Friday April 24 - $7.00

Onion bulbs and potatoes are here!

Also Lettuces, Broccolis, and Cabbages!

February 11th we’ll get in our first shipment of Fruit Trees, Grapes, and Blueberry bushes!

​Spring plants rolling in next month, now is the time to come see us and get your garden ready for planting!

<![CDATA[November 2019 newsletter]]>Fri, 01 Nov 2019 17:18:29 GMThttp://farmerssupplyco.com/turf-talk/november-2019-newsletterNOVEMBER 2019 NEWSLETTER

Our man in the High Country Richie Philips is heading down the week of Thanksgiving with our first delivery of Avery Country Fraser Fir Christmas trees. Poinsettias will arrive later this month as well. Big savings in the Garden Center as we need to clear out space for the trees! Come save on Pansies and Bonnie plants!

NC State is still providing free soil testing through the end of November. We are seeing some major soil changes as a result of last summer’s record rains and Florence, so we strongly recommend getting a sample done. If you go to our homepage www.farmerssupplyco.com and scroll to the bottom, you’ll find instructions on collecting and sending-off your soil sample. Results right now are taking about 10 to 14 days.

We will be closed on Thanksgiving day. Now, for this month’s lawn care guides and news from the Garden Center…


Bermuda— Raise mower height 1/2” to prevent winter-kill. Measure your lawn’s square footage. To minimize spring dead spot, apply a low-nitrogen, high-potassium fertilizer like 5-10-30 or 8-0-24 at 10 pounds per thousand square feet (if you already did this in September or October, you’re squared away). Check for and control any white grubs with GrubsAway from Farmers Supply – fall is the best time for grub control. Apply Hi-Yield Dimension pre-emergent herbicide from Farmers Supply to prevent winter annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, and Fertilome Weed-Free Zone post-emergent herbicide to control any weeds already present. If spring dead spot was a problem, apply a fungicide like Propiconizole. As temperatures fall, watering can be reduced but do not let the soil get powder dry.

Carpetgrass— Raise mower height to 2 inches. Continue to water as needed to avoid wilt until your lawn begins to turn brown (the onset of dormancy). Although a dormant lawn requires less water, make sure the soil doesn’t get powder dry. Sandy, well-drained soils are most susceptible to drought. Use insecticide if necessary. Manage weeds by hand pulling and mowing. If brown patch disease shows up (circular patches of brown grass up to several feet in diameter), come see us to remedy.\ 

Centipede— Raise mower height to 1.5”. Measure your lawn’s square footage. If you didn’t already in September or October, per 1,000 square feet you should fertilize with 1.6 pounds of 0-0-60 or 3 pounds of 0-0-22. DO NOT lime unless a soil test recommends lime. Make sure the lawn gets at least 1” of water per week until the lawn browns (becomes dormant), then water as-needed to keep soil from becoming powder dry. Continue mowing your lawn to 1 inch before it gets taller than 11⁄2 inches. Apply Hi-Yield Dimension pre-emergent herbicide from Farmers Supply to prevent winter annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, and apply Fertilome Weed-Free Zone post-emergent herbicide to control any weeds already present.

St Augustine— DO NOT fertilize St. Augustine after August 31. Water to prevent drought stress while the grass is actively growing and after the lawn goes dormant to prevent excessive dehydration. Control any white grubs with GrubsAway from Farmers Supply. Apply Hi-Yield Dimension pre-emergent herbicide from Farmers Supply to prevent winter annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, and apply Fertilome Weed-Free Zone post-emergent herbicide to control any weeds already present. Check for brown (large) patch disease and come see us to remedy.

Zoysia— Measure your yard’s square footage. If you didn’t already in September or October, per 1,000 square feet you should apply 1.6 pounds of 0-0-60 or 5 pounds of 0-0-22 fertilizer. Continue to mow the grass before it grows taller than 11⁄2 to 21⁄2 inches. Leave nutrient-rich grass clippings on the lawn unless they are unsightly or in clumps. You won’t have to water much once the lawn turns dormant, but do water if needed to keep the soil from completely drying. Apply Hi-Yield Dimension pre-emergent herbicide from Farmers Supply to prevent winter annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, and Fertilome Weed-Free Zone post-emergent herbicide to control any weeds already present. Check for and control any insects with an insecticide from Farmers Supply. If brown (large) patch disease is a chronic problem, come see us for fungicide to remedy. 

See us for local seasoned oak firewood.
Need a lot and don’t have a truck or trailer? We deliver!

<![CDATA[October 2019 newsletter]]>Wed, 09 Oct 2019 13:00:04 GMThttp://farmerssupplyco.com/turf-talk/october-2019-newsletterOCTOBER 2019 NEWSLETTER

Come take advantage of 10% off everything in our grilling section through the end of October! Charcoals and starters, Meat Church dry rubs, cooking pellets, utensils, wood chunks and chips, cedar planks, probe thermometers, electric pellet smokers, and more!
NC State is still providing free soil testing through the end of November. 

We are seeing some major soil changes as a result of last summer’s record rains and Florence, so we strongly recommend getting a sample done. If you go to our homepage www.farmerssupplyco.com and scroll to the bottom, you’ll find instructions on collecting and sending-off your soil sample. Results right now are taking about 10 to 14 days.

More fall veggie plants are arriving at the store each week, and we have received pumpkins and gourds in from the NC mountains.

Now, for this month’s lawn care guides and on the last page, info on Fall veggie planting…


Bermuda— Measure your lawn’s square footage. To minimize spring dead spot, apply a low nitrogen, high potassium fertilizer like 5-10-30 or 8-0-24 at 10 pounds per thousand square feet (if you already did this in September, you’re squared away). Check for and control any white grubs with GrubsAway from Farmers Supply – fall is the best time for grub control. Apply Hi-Yield Dimension pre-emergent herbicide from Farmers Supply to prevent winter annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, and once daily highs drop below 85 apply Fertilome Weed-Free Zone post-emergent herbicide to control any weeds already present. If spring dead spot was a problem, apply a fungicide like Propiconizole. As temperatures fall, watering can be reduced but do not let the soil get powder dry.

Carpetgrass— Continue to water as needed to avoid wilt until your lawn begins to turn brown (the onset of dormancy). Although a dormant lawn requires less water, make sure the soil doesn’t get powder dry. Sandy, well-drained soils are most susceptible to drought. Use insecticide if necessary. Manage weeds by hand pulling and mowing. If brown patch disease shows up (circular patches of brown grass up to several feet in diameter), come see us to remedy.

Centipede— Measure your lawn’s square footage. If you didn’t already in September, per 1,000 square feet you should fertilize with 1.6 pounds of 0-0-60 or 3 pounds of 0-0-22. DO NOT lime unless a soil test recommends lime. Make sure the lawn gets at least 1” of water per week until the lawn browns (becomes dormant), then water as-needed to keep soil from becoming powder dry. Continue mowing your lawn to 1 inch before it gets taller than 11⁄2 inches. Apply Hi-Yield Dimension pre-emergent herbicide from Farmers Supply to prevent winter annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, and once daily highs drop below 85 apply Fertilome Weed-Free Zone post-emergent herbicide to control any weeds already present.

St Augustine— DO NOT fertilize St. Augustine after August 31. Water to prevent drought stress while the grass is actively growing and after the lawn goes dormant to prevent excessive dehydration. Control any white grubs with GrubsAway from Farmers Supply. Apply Hi-Yield Dimension pre-emergent herbicide from Farmers Supply to prevent winter annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, and once daily highs drop below 85 apply Fertilome Weed-Free Zone post-emergent herbicide to control any weeds already present. Check for brown (large) patch disease and come see us to remedy.

Zoysia— Measure your yard’s square footage. If you didn’t already in September, per 1,000 square feet you should apply 1.6 pounds of 0-0-60 or 5 pounds of 0-0-22 fertilizer. Continue to mow the grass before it grows taller than 11⁄2 to 21⁄2 inches. Leave nutrient-rich grass clippings on the lawn unless they are unsightly or in clumps. You won’t have to water much once the lawn turns dormant, but do water if needed to keep the soil from completely drying. Apply Hi-Yield Dimension pre-emergent herbicide from Farmers Supply to prevent winter annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, and once daily highs drop below 85 apply Fertilome Weed-Free Zone post-emergent herbicide to control any weeds already present. Check for and control any insects with an insecticide from Farmers Supply. If brown (large) patch disease is a chronic problem, come see us for fungicide to remedy. 
<![CDATA[AUGUST 2019 NEWSLETTER]]>Thu, 01 Aug 2019 17:04:18 GMThttp://farmerssupplyco.com/turf-talk/august-2019-newsletterHappy summer from Farmers Supply! On the third page of this month’s newsletter, please see about fall planting for your vegetable garden! We are working on lining-up some seminars that we’re excited about, so be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram (@farmers_supply_company) to be kept in the loop! On Saturday Sept 7, the owners of Organic Underworld in Currie will be here to share about the benefits of adding worm castings to your plant soil. Now, for this month’s lawn care guides:
We are having a lot of chinch bug activity in area lawns creating yellow or dry-looking patches. To check for chinch bugs, push a coffee can (with both top and bottom removed) into the ground and fill it with water. Any chinch bugs present will float, come see us for Bifenthrin insecticide which comes in both granular (Talstar, Hi-Yield Bug Blaster) and liquid (Bifen).
Bermuda— Measure your lawn’s square footage. You can continue to fertilize every four to six weeks with 16-4-8 from Farmers Supply at 10 pounds per 1,000 square feet. When Bermuda is growing, the lawn needs 1 to 2 inches of water each week. A bluish-gray appearance or wilted, folded, or curled leaves may indicate that it is time to water. Due to the heat and drought, we only recommend spot-treating for weeds late in the day with a Post-Emergent herbicide — or Fertilome makes a selective granular we carry that can be broadcast across the lawn. You can still put out Hi-Yield Dimension to control emergence of summer weeds. If thatch is thicker than 1⁄2 inch, remove it using a vertical mower—thatch can be removed monthly if the lawn has sufficient time to recover.  Check for white grubs, mole crickets, armyworms, sod webworms, and control with an appropriate insecticide from Farmers Supply. 

Carpetgrass— Measure your lawn’s square footage. Make sure your grass gets 1 to 2 inches of water each week. Mow grass to 11⁄2 inches with a rotary mower every 10 to 14 days. Unless your soil sample suggests otherwise, do not make a broadcast application of herbicide. It was recommended that in June you fertilize Carpetgrass with 5-10-10 from Farmers Supply, and a second application in mid-August may enhance lawns here at the coast. Manage weeds by hand pulling and mowing. Check for white grubs, mole crickets, armyworms, sod webworms, and control with an appropriate insecticide from Farmers Supply. If brown patch disease shows up (circular patches of brown grass up to several feet in diameter), come see us to remedy.

Centipede— Measure your lawn’s square footage. Your lawn needs 1-2 inches of water every week. If grass has a yellow appearance, spray iron (ferrous) sulfate (2 ounces in water per 1,000 square feet) or a chelated iron source as needed. It was recommended in June that Centipede lawns be treated with a high potassium fertilizer from Farmers Supply, such as 5-0-15. At the coast, a second fertilization in August is recommended. Due to the heat and drought, we only recommend spot-treating for weeds late in the day with a Post-Emergent herbicide — or Fertilome makes a selective granular we carry that can be broadcast across the lawn. You can still put out Hi-Yield Dimension to control emergence of summer weeds. Yellow appearance may indicate an iron deficiency. Control any white grubs, mole crickets, armyworms, or sod webworms with an appropriate insecticide from Farmers Supply.   

St Augustine— Measure your lawn’s square footage. This month, you should apply two to three pounds of a 3-1-2 or 4-1-2 ratio fertilizer (like 16-4-8) per thousand square feet from Farmers Supply. Spray iron sulfate or a chelated iron source to enhance color as needed. Actively growing St. Augustine requires about 1 inch of water per week, all at once if possible. Sandy soils often require more frequent watering (1⁄2 inch every third day). Control broadleaf weeds as necessary with Post-Emergent herbicide following label directions and with caution. Control any white grubs with an appropriate insecticide from Farmers Supply. Check for gray leaf spot and brown (large) patch disease.

Zoysia— Measure your yard’s square footage. In mid-August apply a 3-1-2 or 4-1-2 ratio fertilizer (like 16-4-8), the yard should get 10 pounds per thousand square feet . Zoysia needs 1 to 11⁄4 inches of water a week. Due to the heat and drought, we only recommend spot-treating for weeds late in the day with a Post-Emergent herbicide — or Fertilome makes a selective granular we carry that can be broadcast across the lawn. You can still put out Hi-Yield Dimension to control emergence of summer weeds. Crabgrass species, goosegrass, dallisgrass, purple and yellow nutsedge, annual sedges, and sandbur can be controlled with a Post-Emergent herbicide from Farmers Supply. Zoysia is sensitive to these compounds, so please follow the directions of our staff carefully when they help you in the store.

​Now is the time to start planning your fall vegetable garden! Collard seedlings have just
arrived, and we will be getting the following plants and seedlings in over the coming weeks:
Brussel Sprouts
Garlic – arriving mid September
Mustard Greens
Onions – arriving mid September
Swiss Chard
Having trouble with deer getting into your garden to snack? Adding some Milorganite will help keep animals away while giving additional nutrients to the soil.
Come see us and let Farmers Supply Co help you grow your own!

<![CDATA[July lawn care]]>Tue, 16 Jul 2019 12:06:25 GMThttp://farmerssupplyco.com/turf-talk/july-lawn-careHOPE EVERYONE IS STAYING COOL AND HYDRATED! HERE IS YOUR JULY LAWN CARE FOR OUR AREA GRASSES.

Bermuda— Measure your lawn’s square footage. If you fertilized with 33-0-0 in June, then four to six weeks afterwards follow that up with 16-4-8 from Farmers Supply. When Bermuda is growing, the lawn needs 1 to 2 inches of water each week. A bluish-gray appearance or wilted, folded, or curled leaves may indicate that it is time to water. Due to the heat and drought, we only recommend spot-treating for weeds late in the day with a Post-Emergent herbicide — or Fertilome makes a selective granular we carry that can be broadcast across the lawn. You can still put out Hi-Yield Dimension to control summer weeds. If thatch is thicker than 1⁄2 inch, remove it using a vertical mower—thatch can be removed monthly if the lawn has sufficient time to recover.  Check for white grubs, mole crickets, armyworms, sod webworms, and control with an appropriate insecticide from Farmers Supply.

Carpetgrass— Measure your lawn’s square footage. Make sure your lawn gets 1 to 2 inches of water each week. Mow grass to 11⁄2 inches with a rotary mower every 10 to 14 days. Unless your soil sample suggests otherwise, do not make a broadcast application of herbicide. It was recommended that in June you fertilize Carpetgrass with 5-10-10 from Farmers Supply, and a second application in mid-August may enhance lawns here at the coast. Manage weeds by hand pulling and mowing. Check for white grubs, mole crickets, armyworms, sod webworms, and control with an appropriate insecticide from Farmers Supply. If brown patch disease shows up (circular patches of brown grass up to several feet in diameter), come see us to remedy.

Centipede— Measure your lawn’s square footage. Your lawn needs 1-2 inches of water every week. If grass has a yellow appearance, spray iron (ferrous) sulfate (2 ounces in water per 1,000 square feet) or a chelated iron source as needed. It was recommended in June that Centipede lawns be treated with a high potassium fertilizer from Farmers Supply, such as 5-0-15. At the coast, a second fertilization in August is recommended. Due to the heat and drought, we only recommend spot-treating for weeds late in the day with a Post-Emergent herbicide — or Fertilome makes a selective granular we carry that can be broadcast across the lawn. You can still put out Hi-Yield Dimension to control summer weeds. Yellow appearance may indicate an iron deficiency. Control any white grubs, mole crickets, armyworms, or sod webworms with an appropriate insecticide from Farmers Supply..   

St Augustine— Measure your lawn’s square footage. This month, you should apply two to three pounds of 33-0-0 per thousand square feet, and next month apply a 3-1-2 or 4-1-2 ratio fertilizer (like 16-4-8) from Farmers Supply. Spray iron sulfate or a chelated iron source to enhance color as needed. Actively growing St. Augustine requires about 1 inch of water per week, all at once if possible. Sandy soils often require more frequent watering (1⁄2 inch every third day). Control broadleaf weeds as necessary with Post-Emergent herbicide following label directions and with caution. Control any white grubs with an appropriate insecticide from Farmers Supply. If drought symptoms or yellow spots occur in a sunny location, check for chinch bug activity. Push a coffee can (with both top and bottom removed) into the ground and fill it with water. Any chinch bugs present will float, come see us for Bifenthrin which comes in both granular and liquid. Check for gray leaf spot and brown (large) patch disease.

Zoysia— Measure your yard’s square footage. If you didn’t already this summer, in early July apply a 3-1-2 or 4-1-2 ratio fertilizer (like 16-4-8) and repeat in mid-August. Zoysia needs 1 to 11⁄4 inches of water a week. Due to the heat and drought, we only recommend spot-treating for weeds late in the day with a Post-Emergent herbicide — or Fertilome makes a selective granular we carry that can be broadcast across the lawn. You can still put out Hi-Yield Dimension to control summer weeds.   Crabgrass species, goosegrass, dallisgrass, purple and yellow nutsedge, annual sedges, and sandbur can be controlled with a Post-Emergent herbicide from Farmers Supply. Zoysia is sensitive to these compounds, so please follow the directions of our staff carefully when they help you in the store. 