Summer is almost officially here, and there’s still tons of planting to be done! Natalya and Sharon have the Garden Center stocked with vegetables, tomatoes, flowers, herbs, shrubs, & bushes. Never planted a garden before? Our expert team can set you up for success!
We are back to our normal hours of 8 AM to 5:30 PM Monday thru Friday, 8 AM to 4 PM Saturdays, and Closed Sundays. Thank you for making Spring Sundays a success, we look forward to doing it again next year from mid-March through early May. Remember, fertilizers are labeled according to content of Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potash (Potassium)… so for example 15-0-15 would be high Nitrogen, zero Phosphorous, and high Potassium. Conifers and evergreens can be sprayed now for bagworms with Caterpillar Killer or Bonide’s Systemic Insecticide. Pay close attention to the temperature instructions on any weed killers. TURF TALK Bermuda— Measure your lawn’s square footage. Fertilize with 33-0-0 at 3 pounds per 1,000 square feet every 4-6 weeks through August. When Bermuda is growing, the lawn needs 1 to 2 inches of water each week. Apply Fertilome Dollar Weed control as needed. If thatch is thicker than 1⁄2 inch, remove it using a vertical mower—thatch can be removed monthly if the lawn has sufficient time to recover. Check for white grubs, mole crickets, armyworms, sod webworms, and control with our GrubsAway, Talstar, or Bug Blaster. If brown patch disease shows-up, come see us for Heritage or Cleary’s to treat it. Carpetgrass— Measure your lawn’s square footage. Make sure your lawn gets 1 to 2 inches of water each week. Mow grass to 11⁄2 inches with a rotary mower every 10 to 14 days. Unless your soil sample suggests otherwise, do not make a broadcast application of herbicide. Fertilize Carpetgrass with our 5-10-10 at a rate of 5-10 pounds per 1,000 square feet. Manage weeds by hand pulling and mowing. Check for white grubs, mole crickets, armyworms, sod webworms, and control with our GrubsAway, Talstar, or Bug Blaster. If brown patch disease shows-up, come see us for Heritage or Cleary’s to treat it. Centipede— Measure your lawn’s square footage. Your lawn needs 1-2 inches of water every week. If grass has a yellow appearance, spray iron (ferrous) sul-fate (2 ounces per 1,000 square feet) or a chelated iron source as needed. Apply a high potassium fertilizer such as 5-0-15 at the rate of 10 pounds per thousand square feet. At the coast, a second fertilization in August is recommended. Yel-low appearance may indicate an iron deficiency. Check for white grubs, mole crickets, armyworms, sod webworms, and control with our GrubsAway, Talstar, or Bug Blaster. If brown patch disease shows-up, come see us for Heritage or Cleary’s to treat it. St Augustine— Measure your lawn’s square footage. If you didn’t in May, apply our 16-4-8 fertilizer at 10 pounds per thousand square feet. Spray iron sulfate or a chelated iron source to enhance color as needed. Actively growing St. Augus-tine requires about 1 inch of water per week, all at once if possible. Sandy soils often require more frequent watering (1⁄2 inch every third day). Apply Fertilome Dollar Weed control as needed. Check for white grubs, mole crickets, armyworms, sod webworms, and control with our GrubsAway, Talstar, or Bug Blaster. If brown patch disease shows-up, come see us for Heritage or Cleary’s to treat it. Zoysia— Measure your yard’s square footage. Apply our 16-4-8 fertilizer at a rate of 10 pounds per thousand square feet and repeat in mid-August. Zoysia needs 1 to 11⁄4 inches of water a week. Apply Fertilome Dollar Weed control as needed. Check for white grubs, mole crickets, armyworms, sod webworms, and control with our GrubsAway, Talstar, or Bug Blaster. If brown patch disease shows-up, come see us for Heritage or Cleary’s to treat it.